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  • Aluminium - Rio Tinto

    A first in responsible aluminium. We are now offering Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) certified aluminium from all of our Canadian operations, through a ‘chain of custody’

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  • rio tinto alcan мины в малайзии

    rio tinto alcan мины в малайзии. Rio Tinto начинает производство лития в Rio Tinto является британско-австралийской горнодобывающей компанией, базирующейся

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  • rio tinto alcan мины в малайзии

    Active in the sector for more than 110 years, today rio tinto alcan мины в малайзии Rio Tinto LinkedIn 2022.4.5 Rio Tinto. 787,135 followers. 4w. In 2022, we built an even

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  • Operations - Rio Tinto

    Decarbonising our operations. Providing the materials the world needs means we have an impact on the environment. We recognise the responsibility we are entrusted with, and

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  • Rio Tinto raises $40bn for Alcan deal Financial Times

    2007.8.22  Rio Tinto, the UK-listed mining company, has raised a record-breaking $40bn to fund the takeover of Alcan, the Canadian aluminium producer, despite the

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  • Annual report - Rio Tinto

    2020.8.7  Progressed the Simandou high-grade iron ore project in Guinea with our partners. We announced plans to invest $6.2 billion 1 (Rio Tinto share) on mine, port and rail infrastructure development.

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  • rio tinto alcan мины в малайзии

    rio tinto alcan мины в малайзии ; The worst mining deal ever: Rio Tinto buying . WebFeb 15, 2013 Tom Albanese, the former CEO at Rio Tinto, is out but Wall Street Journal

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  • Rio Tinto Offers $38 Billion for Alcan - CNBC

    2007.7.11  Rio Tinto said Thursday it will offer about $38 billion in cash for Alcan, with support of the Canadian aluminum producer's board, trumping a hostile offer from U.S.

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  • 力拓

    力拓. 力拓发布2023.财务业绩. 力拓公布2023.第四季度生产业绩. 力拓以严谨投资加强资产绩效并实现增长. 力拓与中国发展研究基金会深化ESG战略合作,持续支持贵州毕节贯彻

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  • Carrières - Rio Tinto

    Les matières que nous produisons sont essentielles au progrès humain, et nos employés participent activement à ce progrès. Travailler chez Rio Tinto, c’est avoir un impact concret dans la vie des gens; que ce soit

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  • Rio Tinto Canada

    2024.2.27  Partenariat de Rio Tinto IOC et du gouvernement du Canada pour décarboner le traitement de minerai de fer au Labrador Ouest. WABUSH, Canada – Le gouvernement du Canada a accordé 18,1 millions de dollars canadiens de son Fonds pour une économie à faibles émissions de carbone à la Compagnie minière IOC de Rio Tinto

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  • Rio Tinto Canada

    Rio Tinto et Prysmian s’associent pour un approvisionnement durable en matériaux pour la transition énergétique. CHICAGO – Rio Tinto et le fournisseur de solutions de câblage Prysmian s’associent pour créer une chaîne d’approvisionnement nord-américaine plus durable pour les matériaux nécessaires à l’expansion des réseaux électriques liée à la

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  • Rio Tinto Alcan — Википедия

    2024.3.9  Слияние Rio Tinto и Alcan В 2007 году компания подверглась враждебному поглощению со стороны Alcoa, собирающейся купить её за $27,93 млрд [1] . 13 июля стало известно, что Alcan договорилась о слиянии с горнорудной компанией Rio Tinto .

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  • Heim

    Öryggismál. Umhverfismál. Heilbrigðismál. Öryggismál eru stórmál í okkar augum, enda ekkert mikilvægara en að starfsfólk komist heilt frá vinnu. Sterk öryggisvitund hefur fest sig í sessi hjá okkar fólki og árangur þess á undanförnum árum er hreint út sagt frábær. Við erum eitt af fáum fyrirtækjum á Íslandi með ...

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  • Rio Tinto invests to increase low-carbon AP60 aluminium

    2021.11.17  MONTREAL--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Rio Tinto is investing US$87 million to increase its low-carbon aluminium production in Canada with 16 new smelting cells at its AP60 smelter, in the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region of Quebec. The investment will increase production at the smelter by around 45 per cent, or 26,500 metric tonnes of

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  • Iron Ore Western Australia - Rio Tinto

    In September 2022, we agreed to form a joint venture with China Baowu Steel Group to develop the Western Range iron ore project in the Pilbara, Western Australia (Rio Tinto 54%, Baowu 46%). Construction at Western Range started in 2023 with first production anticipated in 2025. Western Range’s annual production capacity of 25 million tonnes ...

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  • Annual report - Rio Tinto

    2023.2.24  Progressed the Simandou high-grade iron ore project in Guinea with our partners. We announced plans to invest $6.2 billion 1 (Rio Tinto share) on mine, port and rail infrastructure development. Production is expected to ramp up over 30 months from 2025 to a capacity of 60 million dry tonnes 2 annually (27 million dry tonnes Rio Tinto share).;

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  • Шанхай Rio Tinto Роторная дробилка

    шанхай rio tinto роторная дробилка May 16, 2018 rio tinto alcan мины в малайзии cbg bauite priy дробилка CBG is a large and growing producer of bauxite aimed У нас есть лучший сервис Существуют различные виды горного оборудования с зелеными строительными ...

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  • Iceland - Rio Tinto

    ISAL. Our ISAL aluminium smelter produces some of the highest quality, lowest carbon footprint aluminium in the world.

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  • Contact - Rio Tinto

    Get in touch with us. You can find contact details for our global offices, operations and our teams from around the business. And you can also stay in touch with us through our social channels.

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  • Rio Tinto raises $40bn for Alcan deal Financial Times

    2007.8.22  Rio Tinto, the UK-listed mining company, has raised a record-breaking $40bn to fund the takeover of Alcan, the Canadian aluminium producer, despite the turbulence in the markets. It is the biggest ...

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  • Rio Tinto sells Alcan Packaging units to Amcor - PlasticsToday

    2009.8.18  On July 6, Rio Tinto announced that it had signed an agreement to sell its Alcan Packaging Food Americas division to Bemis Company Inc. for $1.2 billion, including as much as $200 million in Bemis shares. Amcor reports being financially fit and able to take on such an acquisition after undergoing its “Way Forward” restructuring.

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  • Fonds de formation Rio Tinto Alcan Shawinigan : 129 projets

    Le Fonds de formation Rio Tinto Alcan offre de l’aide financière pour défrayer les coûts de formation pour les entreprises ou organismes de moins de 100 employés situés sur le territoire de la ville de Shawinigan. L’aide peut atteindre jusqu’à 75 % des coûts directs de formation (achat ou inscription aux formations et documentation ...

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  • Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean - Rio Tinto

    Québec. The Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region is an important hub for our aluminium business, responsible for close to half of our global aluminium production. Our operations in the area include an alumina refinery, 5 wholly owned smelters, 6 hydropower plants, our Arvida Research and Development Centre (ARDC), the Aluminium Operations Centre, a

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  • BC Works - Rio Tinto

    KITIMAT, Canada – Rio Tinto has commissioned a second tunnel to carry water into the Kemano Powerhouse in British Columbia, marking the end of the Kemano T2 hydropower project. The new, 16-kilometre tunnel was filled up with water and produced its first megawatt of electricity in July 2022 after its construction was completed in May 2022.

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  • Rio Tinto Alcan — Wikipédia

    2024.3.4  Rio Tinto Alcan Inc. représente la branche aluminium du groupe minier Rio Tinto.Né du rachat d'Alcan par Rio Tinto en 2007 qui l'a intégré à Rio Tinto Aluminium, il est depuis sa création le numéro un mondial du secteur [réf. nécessaire].L'entreprise a annoncé en mai 2015 que le nom d'Alcan disparaîtrait graduellement de ses enseignes pour ne

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  • Aluminium - Rio Tinto

    A first in responsible aluminium. We are now offering Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) certified aluminium from all of our Canadian operations, through a ‘chain of custody’ spanning Rio Tinto’s Gove bauxite mine in Australia to its alumina refinery, aluminium smelters and casthouses in Quebec and British Columbia, Canada.. The ASI aims to

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  • Rio Tinto Global

    LONDON-- (BUSINESS WIRE)-- Rio Tinto announces that Simon McKeon will step down as a Non-Executive Director at the conclusion of the Rio Tinto Limited annual general meeting on 2 May 2024. Over the course of 2023, we announced the appointments of five new Non-Executive Directors as we continue to refresh the composition of the Board.

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  • Rio Tinto Canada

    2024.2.27  Rio Tinto IOC and Government of Canada partner to decarbonize iron ore processing in Labrador West. WABUSH, Canada-- (BUSINESS WIRE)-- The Government of Canada awarded C$18.1 million from its Low Carbon Economy Fund to Rio Tinto’s Iron Ore Company of Canada (IOC) to support the decarbonization of iron ore processing at its

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  • Rio Tinto Alcan - Wikiwand

    Rio Tinto Alcan Inc. représente la branche aluminium du groupe minier Rio Tinto.Né du rachat d'Alcan par Rio Tinto en 2007 qui l'a intégré à Rio Tinto Aluminium, il est depuis sa création le numéro un mondial du secteur [réf. nécessaire].L'entreprise a annoncé en mai 2015 que le nom d'Alcan disparaîtrait graduellement de ses enseignes pour ne conserver

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  • Decision on Rio Tinto Alcan Ltd - GOV.UK

    2023.12.5  The company name RIO TINTO ALCAN LTD has been registered since 20 April 2023 under number 14816368. By an application filed on 15 August 2023, RIO TINTO LONDON LIMITED applied for a change of name ...

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  • Rio Tinto Aluminium Canada Fund

    2 天之前  Together with our partners, the Rio Tinto Aluminium Fund Canada aims to deliver long term social and economic benefits for the communities in which we operate and broader society. The Fund

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  • Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean - Rio Tinto

    Québec. The Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region is an important hub for our aluminium business, responsible for close to half of our global aluminium production. Our operations in the area include an alumina refinery, 5 wholly owned smelters, 6 hydropower plants, our Arvida Research and Development Centre (ARDC), the Aluminium Operations Centre, a

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  • Rio Tinto's aluminium unit is winning back some respect

    2018.2.9  Rio is studying options to expand its Canadian smelters in case China's curtailments do in fact lead to a shortage of aluminium in the rest of the world.

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  • Rio Tinto Global

    2024.2.21  LONDON-- (BUSINESS WIRE)-- Rio Tinto announces that Simon McKeon will step down as a Non-Executive Director at the conclusion of the Rio Tinto Limited annual general meeting on 2 May 2024. Over the course of 2023, we announced the appointments of five new Non-Executive Directors as we continue to refresh the composition of the Board.

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  • L’usine Rio Tinto Alcan ferme à Shawinigan - La fin d’une

    2013.8.10  Société. Une page de l’histoire industrielle de l’Amérique du Nord se tourne avec la fermeture annoncée de l’usine Rio Tinto Alcan de Shawinigan. La première coulée d’aluminium du ...

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  • Weipa - Rio Tinto

    Reducing our emissions Decarbonisation continues to be major focus area for our aluminium assets – particularly refineries and smelters – but we’re also tackling it in Weipa, announcing a new 12.4MW solar farm and battery storage to provide renewable energy for our Amrun operation in late 2023. Once approved and complete, the Amrun solar farm will be Rio

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  • Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean - Rio Tinto

    Communauté du Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean. Notre équipe Développement économique régional (DER) aide nos partenaires locaux dans quatre domaines : innovation, décarbonation, économie circulaire et virage numérique. En savior plus.

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